"He reason ill who tells that Vaisnavas die
When thou art living still in sound!
The Vaisnavas die to live, and living try
To spread the Holy Name around !"
(Poem by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura)
Please accept
our heartfelt condolences to friends, and disciples of HH
Tamal Krishna Goswami, and to family, and friends of HG Vrindavanesvari
devi dasi who both passed away on 15th March just outside Mayapur, India
due to injuries sustained in a car accident.
Her Grace Vrindavanesvari was remembered as a great sankirtan devotee, a massive collector who was always short of funds because she never kept for herself, a caring wife, a wonderful mother, an amazingly talented cook, a kind person who never ran short on big smiles, and most profoundly, a lover of the holy names of the Lord. She could chant japa and kirtan endlessly with great taste and devotion. (Bhakti Bringa Govinda Swami)
"So on one side we have to be very sorry if our dear friends
are taken away from this world, and on the other side we should be satisfied
that a pure devotee is never lost. He gets another good chance to cultivate
Krishna Consciousness, or if one is advanced he goes back to Home, back
to Godhead. But even if it is taken that a devotee is not mature, we should
be confident that he will take birth in a rich or devotional family. So
their human life in a very good position is guaranteed. A devotee's position
is always better than an ordinary karmi's position. Karmis do not know
what is the next life, but devotees know it as certain as anything that
he is going to have a nice human form of body.
So let us pray for the departed souls that they may be
engaged again in Krishna's service."
(Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. 15th November 1971. Letter to Patita Uddharna dasa regarding the death of Jananirvas dasa, Delhi)
Contents of site:
If you have anything to add to this site, please send it HERE thanx
Last updated 3rd July 2002
Memorial homilies from Vrindavanesvari's husband Kalasamvara prabhu:
A few words from HH Prahladananda Swami
From Sri Sudevi:
Chakra's - In Memoriam Srimati Vrndavanesvari Devi Dasi:
Memorial to Vrindavanesvari mataji by Krsnendu prabhu:
From Bhaktimarga mataji:
From Indira mataji:
Memorial Homilies from many friends and devotee collegues
world wide:
In Memorial to other recent departures:
Pages on dealing with Death, Dying, etc:
Death - numerous pages to help one
Asaucham - what to do when
someone passes on:
Reincarnation - about
the concept:
Bereavement and the
psychology of healing:
23 mins2hrs 45 mins
For more details on purchasing click on the order window below
Rathayatra December 2001 - Auckland with Sumukhi dd and Lilasara in
On the back of this photo reads: "My dearest friend Vrndavanesvari devi dasi. Our hearts were connected as we strived to find Krsna once again. You have left me behind and the loss is too overwhelming to bear, but I know you are safe and I send you all my love and pray for your association again. Lots of love, Sumukhi"
at JTCd & Vedavati's circa 1995-96 in Pine Ridge lane, Katikati.
Vrindavanesvari (left) with Jagatarini dd, Sitarani dd, and Bhaktimarga
dd at Trivikram & Sumuhi's place.
Bush-kirtan at Trivikram (playing harmonium) and Sumukhi's land.
at Lalita-sundari dd's place in Orewa during HH Indradyumna Swami's 2002 visit to NZ
left 2 right: Lalitasundari dd, Sri Sudevi dd, Laxmi-nrisimha dd and Vrindavanesvari dd
at Lalita-sundari mataji's in Orewa, Auckland 2002
Back row: Gauranga-sundara d and wife
Middle row: Vishnu-priya dd, Vrindavanesvari
dd, Sri Sudevi dd, Gauranga-sundara prabhu's mother, Lalita-sundari
dd, Pundarani dd and Varshana, (maharaj) Laxmi-nrisimha dd, Vedavati dd
Front row: Karunika dd, Tungabhadra Devi, Mandiramani dd, HH
Indradyumna Swami, Sri Govinda d
Wedding Photos (at the Apata Hall, Western Bay of Plenty, near Katikati - ):
Kalasamvara prabhu, her brother Ken and Vrindavanesvari dd performing the Laja-homa at the wedding.
JTCd guiding Kalas' and Vrindavan' through the preliminaries of the Saptapadi gaman (seven steps)
Vedavati dd giving ashirvadam blessings during the Panigrahanam
Kalas' feeding Vrindavan' maha-prasadam sweets during the Vivaha
Vrindavanesvari's favourite and very popular recipes:
Vrindavan's Pizza: | |
Vrindavan's Lasanga: | |
Vrindavan's Whey soup | |
Vrindavan's Curd Sabji | |
Vrindavan's Sponge Cake: | |
Vrindavan's Custard Squares/slice | |
Vrindavan's Trifle: | |
Vrindavan's Krishna-Balaram Cake: | |
Vrindavan's Lamingtons | |
Vrindavan's Ekadasi tarts |
3 cups of grated veges (carrot, potato, kumara, pumpkin etc..)
1/2 c small broccoli florets
1 tsp grated ginger
1/2 tsp hing
2 litres milk
fresh coriander
Curdle the milk with lemon/yoghurt, reserve the curd. Add the veges, ginger and hing and cook when nearly cooked add broccoli. When broccoli is cooked add the unfried curd cut into small chunks. Add salt and fresh coriander.
from Indira dd
Melt 125 grams butter, cream with 3/4 cup sugar, add 1 table spoon yogurt, 1 table spoon Golden syrup.
Disolve 1 t-spoon baking soda in 1 1/4 cup liquid (1/2 milk 1/2 water), add to creamed mixture. Alternatively with 2 cups flour and 2 table spoons baking powder. Mix well.
Double mixture and divide into 3 for layer cake.
Cook medium heat.
For Orange Cake - add grated rind to butter mixture and 1/2 cup fresh orange juice instead of water.
For Carob Cake - cream carob with butter mixture. Cook on longer, lower heat.
from Vedavati dd
Vrindavan's Krishna-Balaram Cake:
Vrindavan's Custard Squares/slice
condensed milk
sweetened whipped cream
Make a macaroon mixture with the condensed milk and coconut, press this mixture into muffin tins making little pie shells bake them till golden brown. remove from muffintray
Cook the strawberries with some sugar thicken with a mixture of arrowroot
and water.
Put the strawberry mixture into the coconut shells. Top with whipped
from Indira dd
If you have any others that you begged out of her, or came by from
other sources please send them to us
Homily to Tamal Krishna maharaj from Kalasamvara Prabhu, followed by his to Vrindavanesvari his wife.
He was in the car with Maharaja. His wife will be honoured shortly.
Hare Krsna. I don't know how people many are here as I don't have my glasses.
Different people have different relations with Krsna, same with the
devotees. My relationship with TKG was based on friendship, and guidance.
He didn't exhibit his power to me. Were were in touch by email. Great
relationship. He'll be missed in my life, like it will be for everyone.
Friendships are very rare in this world. We should appreciate devotees
before they leave, express this, as devotees are so rare. Now the whole
ISKCON is disturbed by one Vaisnava's disappearance.
A devotee's life is like chapters, when do we judge a person as we haven't
seen all the chapters? We'll always remember this Festival as he added
the hariman kirtan which is what we are here for. To relish Lord Caitanya's
and Nityananda's mellows. SP said devotional service is an apprenticeship,
to learn how to deal with the devotees on a higher level. . . If we believe
Krsna, TKG has finished his apprenticeship. He was so expert and intellectually
strong. His lectures can take us where we want to go. I
hope as life goes on my conviction will get stronger. I can't help
but think that he has finished his aprenticeship. I have full conviction
of that.
He never chastised me, had great feeling, and will be dearly missed.
How do you replace this? For us it's sad, for him with Krsna, it's the
So we should think of that, we all want that, if he is there then it
is a joyful day to think of him.
I'll keep it short: TKG ki jai!
Hare Krishna kirtana for 15 minutes.
Sivaram Swami introducing Kalasamvara Prabhu again.
So yesterday was an incredible experience. To lose one dear friend is hard, to lose two friends in one day I find pretty amazing. Both very dear to me.
Such an incredible week. The ending has been more incredible. We had such a pleasant week, so loving and spiritual. According to NOD piety is if one can sing beautifully and has intelligence. (?)
TKG's kirtanas have been exemplary. We were discussing about the kirtanas with Visnujana. TKG said the ones in the last week surpassed everything.
This is potency. He said "I'm not chanting, just sitting here but all these devotees are coming and chanting."
TKG and Vrindavaneswari had a nice relationship. Via email she
would ask
so many questions, and he could satisfy her intellect. It was her birthday
yesterday. She wanted to ride with him in the airport. Some rumours had
been going around about the political situation, so I joked that best we
all go together so if there is any problem we can leave [this world?] together.
I think it would be hard for her to survive without TKG. Special that they want to go together. She did millions of dollars collection. Gave it all to ISKCON and her guru. If anyone needed she would send to them. She used to think "Why doesn't Krsna give more, we need to glorify Krsna more!" Laksmi and prasadam were here fortes. She is famous in New Zealand for this. She was making cakes here also. Even could do it here in India, could master the art. She could go in the kitchen and get something together immediately if anyone was hungry. Very giving, she would give so much of her time. Liked best to chant japa or kirtana. No matter when she slept she would go mangal-arati and chant her 16 rounds. Her hand was like this yesterday when she left her body as we were chanting (sobbing) her arm froze in that position. When the ladies were preparing the body, the rest was soft but her arm was hard. That's how she would be with her beads, chanting while swaying, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Another great loss to our sociey. A handful of rare devotees in the planet. Must be appreciated. So much sacrifice, we have no Krsna, Lord Caitanya or even Srila Prabhupada, so for people to come to us in Kali yuga is an amazing thing. We must let devotees know how much we appreciate them. It shouldn't come to the point that devotees leave without feeling appreciated.
Bhakti Tirtha Swami was happy that the devotees were praying for him during his operation. His comment was why should we not always pray for the devotees? . . . Many devotees are getting old, we have to care and look after devotees. She was always caring, she would take care of the widows here and in Vrindavan. She would give, she might have nothing and I would be annoyed when she gave whatever she got. Simple life.
Incredible day yesterday. I have to get myself together and find another shelter. To lose my dear wife and Maharaja has left a huge vacuum in my heart and mind. I don't konw Krsna's plan. She always told me she wanted to die before me. In the same way I don't think she could survive TKG's departure. Ultimate brithday present.
I got her a book about Radha Kund and TKG wrote a nice note in it:
"To my dear Vrindavanesvari, I hope that by the grace of your spiritual masters you will attain spiritual fulfillment and residence on the banks of Radha Kunda."
She was disciple of Indradyumna Swami and took siksa from TKG. The relationship was getting sweeter and sweeter. She wanted to also start these bhajan nights in NZ. TKG was taking this to new heights. The devotees are incredible who can arouse these feelings, emotions in us. Just like the kirtan we just had. So much nectar, but we don't realize it.
I will always preach, esp. this week's kirtanas were a manifestation of his potency, he came here after so long, incredible mood like no more distincitions of senior and junior-all just friends.
So take this mood back to your temples. Every place has a great singer and this should be part of our process. We should sit around at night and imbibe the mood of Krsna and have a picture of TKG and maybe one of her too and dive into the nectar of Krsna.
As a wife, she was very dutiful, an incredible devotee that;s why I wanted to take her asociation. . . . She couldn't find faults in ISKCON-just we need to do more kirtana and japa. This is one of the aspects of the KC movement.
Goswami Maharaja left this world and went to Krishan and also Vrindavaneswari has succumbed to her injuries and has also gone following Gurudeva, the wife of Kala Samvara.
Mother Vrindavaneswari was a very dedicated mataji especialy she was very good at collecting for different projects in NZ. She was quite selfless she denied her own physical comfort and opportunities in ds. to ensure that the projects in NZ would be successful. She was also a very good mother to her son and took care of him very nicely. She had great hopes that her son would become KC. And in spite of fmaily difficulties, she always tooks shelter of Krsna. Every time I saw her she was always in very KC spirits. So her GM is IDS I'm sure that he and SP and Krsna have given her all blessings.
I feel very forutnate to had the friendship
and asso of V. We had been coresopnding about taking care of the devotees
in SP's family. We both had a concern about this and were wondering what
we could do to help SP's family come together. And Actually she and her
husband have been taking very proactive positive steps to heal the
situation there. We wer working on creating a mood of love and trust among
devotees and bringing them together in closer relationships and loving
mood. This is very encouraging and it's a great loss that such a caring
devotee has now gone and it's something for us to think about how we can
come together as Sp's family and carry on that mood. She was always very
encouraging to me in my service and KC. As I'm sure she was for a lot of
others as well. Shw was always willing to serve the devotees. THis is one
qualtiy that stands out in her. I spoke to her the day before she left
and we were excited about getting each other's association again in Vvan.
She was also feeling very happy that she was able to travel with TKG and
they were taking a lot of his association. She felt very inspired by that
and had desires that he would become more involved in NZ and help the yatra
there. So apart from all the other realizations eveyrone is having, for
me hearing about TGK. . . and her I realize the most important thing is
rendering humble service to the devotees. So I just want to take this opportunity
to beg forgiveness for any offences I might have commited to TKG, her and
all the devotees so my kc . . . can be awakened.
From the report of Kalasamvara prabhu the accident took place on a very straight stretch of road. There were no obstructions on the highway and no traffic from the opposite direction.
It appears that the driver of Tamal Krishna Goswami's Tata Sumo fell asleep at the wheel. At high speed the Sumo sideswiped a very large tree on the left side of the road. The vehicle lost balance and began rolling. The front left side of the cabin caved in.
Goswami Maharaja was sitting in the front left passenger seat with his seat belt fastened. Vrindavanesvari was sitting directly behind him. These two took the full brunt of the high speed collision and roll.
Kalasambara was able to free himself from the car. He first tried to remove Goswami Maharaja but soon realised that his body was lifeless. Kalasamvara Prabhu is quite certain that Goswami Maharaja had left His body immediately upon impact.
He then removed Vrindavanesvari and Aghavit from the car and placed all the injured into the second car that had been following them. They proceeded to the Ranaghat Hospital.
Kalasamvara's perception was confirmed at the hospital. Goswami Maharaja had immediately given up his body during the accident.
Vrindavanesvari suffered severe head damage and was given minimal chance of survival. Although an arrangement had been made to transfer her to Kolkatta, she gave up her body minutes later on the floor of the women's ward. When she passed away Sivaram Swami and Niranjana Swami were softly singing the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra.
Jayapataka Swami diligently walked through the situation with the police investigators and doctors. He was trying very tactfully to get immediate release of the bodies but it was not allowed. According to Indian Law all accidental deaths require a postmortem.
We tried to explain that Goswami Maharaja was an acarya. There was an
agreement that the postmortem doctor would make the smallest minimal
incisons on the bodies of Goswami Maharaja and Vrindavanesvari.
Around 11 AM we carried his body to the morgue. After 12 PM the postmortem doctor came and performed his work.
Jayapataka Maharaja succeeded in having all papers signed by 3 PM. We placed the bodies of Goswami Maharaja and Vrindavanesvari inside of the sankirtan bus and were ready to leave for Mayapur.
Then another problem arose. There were at least 200 local people that refused to allow our bus to roll until they had darshan of Maharaja's face. We said that they should take darshan of his feet but they insisted that as he was a mahatma they had to see his face.
We were hesitant, but the crowd became unruly. As soon as we showed them Maharaja's face they all began to chant Maha Mantra and offer pranam. Then they allowed us to leave.
Even though Santipur is traditionally a place of vaisnava offenders, as the bus passed through the streets, the people chanted Hare Krishna and showed respect by folding thier palms.
We reached Mayapur around 4:30 PM. There was an ocean of grieving vaisnavas waiting at the gate. The bus moved slowly down the main drive to the main guest house building and turned right.
Kirtan was being led by Lokanath Maharaja.
The bodies were removed from the bus and taken to different rooms at the rear of the guesthouse. There they were prepared for the respective funeral ceremonies.
The ladies who were preparing the body of HG Vrindavanesvari noted that all of her limbs were still soft and supple. Only her right hand, which was formed in the position of a person holding japa beads, was erect and immovable.
After cleansing her remains she was carried to the shores of Mother Ganga and cremated.
It was the actual birthday of Vrindavanesvari. She wanted the special priviledge and birthday gift of riding in the car to Kolkatta with Goswami Maharaja. But She actually received the priceless gift of riding back to Godhead with her beloved friend and siksa guru Tamal Krishna Goswami.
Devotees welcoming Vrindavanesvari's body back to Mayapur from the hospital
Vrindavanesvari mataji - In the ground floor of the conch building
Outside the conch building
Procession to the Ganges
Arriving at the bank of the sacred Ganges
Tulasi dasi from NZ holds photos of Gaura - Nitai before her eyes
Sun Setting over Gangamata as Vrndavan's body is cremated
Witnesses remark how all one could smell was the pleasing fragrance
of the burning wood.
Her bodily remains after being cremated on the banks of the Ganges in Mayapur after a couple of hours burning
....at Govardhan hill in Vraj bhumi Vrindavan Dham
Kalasamvara prabhu being assisted in performing Antyesti rites at Radha
offering tarpanam
making offerings to Radha kund in her name
Kalas' placed a picture of Vrindavensvari dd into Radha kunda
symbolic of helping her on her journey.....