Vasudevan dasan - Washington,DC - USA

Srimate Sri Lakshmi-Nrisimha Parabrahmane nama:
Shrimate Shri Lakshmi-Nrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka Shrivan Shatagopa
Shri Narayana Yatheendra Mahadesikaya Namah:
Glories to all Vaishnavaite Acharyas!
These are my beloved deities - Shri Malola Nrisimha, Chenchu Lakshmi
(on His lap), and Shri Andal Thayyar (Bhu Devi). Their stunning smiles
remind me that even when I am feeling lost, They are there to guide me
back. I also have very dear smaller images which are not shown in this
photo but hopefully will be introduced in updates.
The second picture shows Shri Chakratazhwar (Sudarshana Chakram), who so
mercifully came into my life after much longing. He is truly a magnificent
image, with Yoga Nrisimha residing on the obverse. I wish that I had a
better digicam so that I could capture more of His graceful personality.
Although He is quite "jwala" in nature, His face and presence in my sannidhi
promise steadfast loving aid in the attainment of Sriman Narayana's lotus
feet. I cannot stress enough His meaning to me.
The third photo shows Shri Girirajan, a Govardhana Shila (which you see
above first) who came to me from an elevated and gracious bhaktha very
early on in my coming to Vaishnavism. For many years I, in my immense ignorance,
did not realise His true significance and simply kept Him wrapped in a
cloth on my altar - knowing that "it" was holy due to "its" association
with Shri Krishna's pastimes. Thankfully, a spiritual advisor revealed
His true identity to me a year or so ago. While I am not sure that I would
have chosen to keep a shila in my altar - due to my fears of not being
able to maintain proper worship - I could not be happier to have had Him
come to me!
I would be grateful for whatever help my fellow devotees might offer
by way of His service. I welcome all correspondence pertaining to deity
worship and proper care of my Girirajan Perumal. I fall at the feet of
all bhagavathas in this forum and pray that I might get your blessings.
Your servant,
Vasudevan dasan
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