Rupa Raghunatha dasa
updated 8th December 2004

Photos of home altar from Rupa Raghunatha dasa, his wife Vrajadevi dasi
(disciple of Giriraja Swami) and their two daughters, Radhe Shyam,4 years
old, and Prema Manjari 1 yr old.
Burnaby, Canada “We have a big sun room where we have our altar. We
use this room to have house programs from spring to summer. Brhat Mrdanga
prabhu held several Bhakti sashtri courses here and we had many Prabhupada
remembrance nights with devotees like Dhanajaya Prabhu, the late Sridhar
Swami, Bhakti Tirtha Maharaj, Nava Yogendra Swami, Lokanath Maharaj, Bhakti
Caru Maharaj and many others.
Mangalanda (Michael Cassidy) came with his wife to perform soft rock
kirtans in glorification of Srila Prabhupada...It brings us lots of pleasure
to distribute prasadam and to be able to serve devotees in this way...
We worship 4 Govardhan silas....Sri Sri Radha Giridhari and Shyamasundara
as well as GiriGovardhan.”

In late Kartik 1998, Vrajadevi and I went to Mukharai, which is a small
little village next to Govardhan. If you're coming from Krsna Balaram Mandir
to Radha Kunda, it's on your left before you get to Govardhan and turn
right to go to Radhakund. It is not very well-known as it is well hidden
between long paddy fields, but the entrance to that village is very unique
with a large Banyan tree entranceway. Mukharai is the village of Mukhara,
the maternal grandmother of Srimati Radharani. Mukhara just like Paurnamasi
arranges for the meetings of Radha and Krsna. Krsna comes to Mukharai and
to attract Radharani's attention, He produces sweet sounds by expertly
playing musical rocks. These rocks are from Govardhan and are called bhajan-silas...they
sound just like kartals. There is a beautiful little ashram and temple
where Mukhara's house used to be with a little kund (pond) next to it.
The pond is called Mukhara Kunda. We went there to see those bhajan-silas.
Vrajadevi picked up one of them and wanted to see how they play. She didn't
know she was not supposed to pick the silas much less play with them. An
old sadhu came out and stopped her. She felt very bad and apologized. He
smiled and told her she should take the Lord, serve and worship Him, which
she did.”
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