Namarasa dasa - Vrindavan, India
last updated 21st January 2016


22nd October 2015


worshipped with the Gaura mantra as Gauranga

8th March 2014

Tulasi flown in from Mayapur today (7th March 2014)

18th October 2013

6 more Shaligrams arrived a few days back, totaling 12.

24th April 2013

Vrindavan 2013

31st January 2013

3rd September 2012

i got a few more shilas, here's a picture:

10th March 2012

the Story:

On Ekadasi day, before Mahadvadasi,  A friend called me into his room and handed me a box.  Inside were 3 beautiful Salagram silas.  1 small one and 2 bigger ones.

In the months leading up to this, i was in anxiety because i wanted to continue worshipping Salagram, like i have been doing in Aindra's room.  I was one of the pujaris of Aindra prabhu's deities.  So i prayed that Krishna come with me back to America in this form.  He answered my prayers so beautifully and randomly!

Then on my birthday, the head pujari of Aindra's deities, Rasika Raj, a simple and pure Russian bramhachari, called me into Aindra prabhu's room, and said "Nama, dont kill me, come."  He had painted the smallest one! without asking me!!! He is so cute!  I worship the smallest one as Shyamasundar Krishna.  He didnt even know it was my birthday! Somehow Krsna is doing so many things without me asking!

Nama Rasa dasa

Partha Sarathi prabhu gave me a Damodar sila

17th December 2011




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