This site is considered HIDDEN, as it is a safe environment specifically for like minded non envious devotees to share mutual appreciation for the inconceivable omnipotent Lord, and topics related to Him, Who appears in the form of the Shaligram Sila and similar Sila forms.

If you wish to take darshan of the wonderful Sila form(s) of the Lord, Who are lovingly cared for by Their sevaks, Whose forms are One tattwa and yet many (like many candles lit from one original candle... Brahma samhita 5:46.), and are free from all material faults, Who are always free from material contamination, Who are always spiritually situated like a lotus in a pool, and Who appears of His Own sweet will to bestow His kindness on those fortunate enough to see such forms, and are completely worthy of our humble praises, if so, then you are very welcome:

The subject matter and images on this site sadly are not for everyone......
Thus we intend to keep this site and it's contents HIDDEN from those who have no appreciation for it.
This site is not intended for impersonalists, iconoclasts, agnostics, or atheists......et al
archye vishau silä-dhir gurushu nara-matih vaishnave jäti-buddhih: “No one should treat the Deity in the temple as being mere stone or metal, nor should one think that the spiritual master or the Vaishnava devotee as an ordinary human being belonging to a material caste or creed, or to belong to the material modes of nature, who are fully dedicated to the service of the Lord .” Padma Puräna
If anyone of no faith in the Supreme Godhead, or doubt that He can appear in any form He likes,
be it a burning bush, in sound, in stone, or EVEN our hearts,
or whatever and wherever He likes - then it might be a good time
to hit the back button on your menu bar and leave this site.
This place is probably not for you.

Unless you keep such faith

Visitor beware, venturing into this site could be life altering.....

updated 26th June 2003