Amartya nadi dasa - CZ
last updated 16th December 2006

My name is Amartya nadi dasa, initiated by Suhotra Swami, inspired by Bhaktivikasa Swami.

Left: Dwarka sila, Bahurupa Salagram Sila and a stone from Ekacakra, Lord Nityananda's playground, I worship it as tadiya.

The Saligrama I worship, came through Stoka Krsna Prabhu, associate of Aindra Prabhu of Vrndavan.

He received Him along with few others Saligrams from Gopal das from 24 hour kirtan who went to Gandaki along with Nila Madhava das.

In March 2004 I visited Vrndavan and received Him from Vrndavan Chandra Prabhu, who was taking care of Him at that time.
In the end of 2003 he promised to give Him to me when we meet in India.

I think Thats all I san say for now. I may write more in the future.

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