Hare Krishna
in Waihi
Over the past 30 years the seeds of inquiry have been planted throughout
the length and breadth of New Zealand.

See how Krishna consciousness
is practised naturally in an ordinary family home.
Enquire about
the philosophy of the nature of the soul, self realisation, mantra meditation
and more.
Find out about
Simple Living
and High Thinking, a wholesome and wholistic way of life.
Bringing up children
in a natural healthy atmosphere.
See how one can
apply the principles of Krishna consciousness in life.
Programs in the Waihi, Coromandal,
Whitianga, Whangamata, Coleville, Paeroa, Thames, Katikati, Tauranga, areas
etc., ....where are you?
Vegetarian Cooking
a variety of other practical Krishna cultural activities.
Cultural sensitivity, friendship, and good association.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna
Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Download a FREE Eggless
Cake Cookbook HERE:
and Beyond